
I will be teaching the following courses on rotation at the University of Virginia - future courses are tentative:

  • EVSC 1600: Water on Earth (Fall 2025)

  • EVSC 3600: Physical Hydrology (Fall 2024, Spring 2026; syllabus here)

  • EVHY 5559: Environmental Water Quality (Spring 2025; spring in odd years; syllabus here)

  • EVHY 5559: Watershed Restoration (Spring 2025; co-instructor with Reidenbach; syllabus here)

  • EVSC 4080/7080: Quantitative Methods in Environmental Science (Spring 2026)

  • Seminar: Communicating with Environmental Data (TBD)

  • Seminar: Watershed Biogeochemistry (TBD)

Course codes and syllabi will be updated prior to the first offering of the course.

Teaching Philosophy

The natural world is complex - scientists and engineers often need a strong foundation in data wrangling and quantitative skills to help them understand the interdisciplinary nature of environmental systems. My goal as an instructor is to help facilitate a positive learning environment where students can master these skills while appreciating the need for effective communication and visualizations.

Below is a collection of content, visualizations, etc. that I’ve used for lectures I’ve taught. These pages are still a work in progress; let me know if you have any questions or would like to include something in your own courses!